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"In Kansas City, two homeless people who met at a soup kitchen were married in front of homeless guests at the very same soup kitchen. For those who want to give the couple a wedding gift, they're registered at Kansas City's District 5 Recycling Plant." -- Norm McDonald


Added a new moderator, Kaiomai. Also, the quote flagging system has been re-enabled.

Large images uploaded to PGR will now automatically be resized.

GR Bash is now on its own domain. Let the celebration begin. Along with the new domain is a new section at GRB, GR Memes.

New moderators for PGR. Kami has been added and Jane Doe has been moved from GRB to PGR.

PGR functionality has been added to GR Bash. Sign up now and add your picture.

Total Hits: 1685189 1538 quotes approved; 0 quotes pending approval; 0 images pending approval